Looking for a way to spice up your shell experience? Look no further!

It should not be used in a real environment, unless you want to ruin your system and your life.


------- ALIASES -------

Commit and push with a single uninterrupted command, because you're a busy person. Upstream be damned.

alias git-yolo='git commit --no-verify && git push --force'

If you exit the shell shut the whole system down. You're done here, go home.

alias exit="shutdown -h now" alias quit="shutdown -h now"

If you want to edit a file, you should have to learn vi first.

alias nano='vi'

Backup all deleted files to your home directory. You never know when you might need them. Never delete anything again. Ever.

alias rm='mv --backup=/home/$(whoami)/.Trash'

------- ENVIRONMENT -------

Nothing should come between you all and my code. Not even a firewall. Flush it.

iptables -F

Never see another permission denied error again!

chmod -R 777 /

Disable the "man" aka SELinux from constantly watching you.

setenforce 0

Sick of having to add new directories to your path? Just add them all.

export PATH=$(find / -type d -not -path '*/\.*' 2>/dev/null | tr '\n' ':' | sed 's/:*$//'):$PATH

------- PASSWORDS -------

Change the root password to password

echo "root:password" | chpasswd

Login to mysql as root without a password.

mysql -u root --skip-grant-tables