
Welcome to my websocket repo! 👋 Here you'll find some cool examples of real-time web apps. Feel free to explore and contribute. Happy coding! 🚀

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Live Demo



Hi there! 👋 Websockets are a way of creating real-time communication between a web server and a client. They allow you to send and receive messages without reloading the page. 😎

In this repo you will find:

  • Server side:
    • A websocket & express server.js that is ran with node.js. 🚀
    • It hosts the public folder with the index.html file. 📁
  • Client side:
    • /public/index.html: A html file with bootstrap, socket.io, and /public/js/chatapp.js. 📁
    • /public/js/chatapp.js: A javascript file that connects to the server and sends and receives messages. 📁