Web-based software suite for Computational Linguistic Analysis based on construction grammars and ontologies (HPSG, SBCG, xMRS, Wordnet, texttaglib)
- 2
Update installation guide
#14 opened by letuananh - 1
Initialize a readthedocs page
#17 opened by letuananh - 0
Make sure that visko 0.2.3 stable release works with coolisf 0.2.3 stable release
#20 opened by letuananh - 0
- 2
Release a ready to use sample corpus
#15 opened by letuananh - 1
- 2
Create a setup.py to package visko package
#13 opened by letuananh - 2
Allow to config corpus path using dot file
#10 opened by letuananh - 0
Make sure that visko works with sunshine
#12 opened by letuananh - 0
Create Dockerfile for visko 0.2.3
#11 opened by letuananh - 0
Optimise TTL display for long sentences
#4 opened by letuananh - 0
Update Django to version 3.2
#9 opened by letuananh - 0
Changes to be made
#2 opened by letuananh