
Code for the paper Mining Evidences for Concept Stock Recommendation,

Primary LanguagePython


A framework for mining relevant stocks given a topic of concern on emerging capital markets.


  1. Tensorflow
  2. Google News Embeddings (https://code.google.com/archive/p/word2vec/) (rename it to 'vectors.gz')
  3. Gensim
  4. Jieba
  5. BeautifulSoup 4
  6. Hanziconv
  7. Scikit-Learn

Data Preparation

  1. Download financial documents as datasets. We use financial news, annual reports, Wikipedia pages and Bing search reports in the paper. However, any document set that could draw associations between concepts and stocks can be used.

  2. Organize the documents into dataset_name/concept/concept_name/documents (e.g. wikipedia/concept/3D打印/documents)

  3. Preprocessing: run python embedding/remove_tags.py dataset_name, python embedding/segmenter.py dataset_name and python embedding/preprocessing.py dataset_name in sequence to preprocess the documents.

Train Embeddings and Reinforcement Learning

  1. To train embeddings, either run python embedding/embedding.py dataset_name or python embedding/doc_embedding.py dataset_name. The first one uses Gensim's Word2Vec and the second one uses Gensim's Doc2Vec.

  2. Run python reinforcement_learning/learning.py for training the reinforcement learning.

  3. Run python embedding/accuracy.py if you would like to directly use trained embeddings for ranking stocks without using reinforcement learning.

Raw Datasets and Trained Embeddings

Due to copyright issues, the raw datasets and trained embeddings are not open. Email me (qiliu@u.nus.edu) if you would like to have some samples.

Sample Output

Query: 铜 Results: 云南铜业, 江西铜业, 锡业股份, 宏达股份, 中金岭南, 恒邦股份, 西部矿业, 中金黄金, 驰宏锌锗

Query: 房地产 Results: 招商地产, 滨江集团, 世荣兆业, 绿景地产, 万科, 大龙地产, 苏宁环球, 上实发展, 阳光发展

Query: 物联网 Results: 远望谷, 新大陆, 星网锐捷, 华胜天成, 卫士通, 烽火通信, 英唐智控, 银河电子, 超声电子