
A Ramaze based PowerDNS web interface

Primary LanguageRuby

pdnsui Build Status


A PowerDNS UI ThatDoesntSuck™ (well, hopefully)

The ultimate goal is to produce a slick web interface to PowerDNS that will let you do add/remove/update domains and records in your PowerDNs database. While PowerDNS will try to enforce RFCs at the record level, it won't ever prevent you from using invalid TLDs (like some PowerDNS web interface out there sometimes do), since many people are using invalid TLDs for internal naming schemes.

![pdnsui] (https://github.com/leucos/pdnsui/raw/master/misc/screenshot.png)

This software is very alpha. You definitively shouldn't use it on production servers yet ! Don't come to me if your production DNS database is trashed !


git clone https://leucos@github.com/leucos/pdnsui.git
cd pdnsui
git checkout develop
  • If you're using rvm, it should create a gemset automatically

  • If you're just testing around, create a powerdns MySQL database using the sql file given in misc/powerdns.mysql :

mysqladmin create powerdns-test -u root -p
mysql powerdns-test -p -u root < misc/powerdns.mysql
  • Configure the database
cp config/database.rb.sample config/database.rb
vim config/database.rb
  • Start the application
MODE=DEV ramaze start -s thin

(you might need to bundle exec depending on your configuration)

Note : you don't need to have powerdns on the machine to try this out. However, advanced features (slave notifications, dns based specs) will require a locally installed powerdns.

Specs (a.k.a. Tests)

You can run specs (bacon flavor) just by issuing rake. Note that you really should setup a specific database to run spec against (see when :spec in config/database.rb). While not doing so should be safe for your db, several specs will probably fail.

If you want code coverage, set the environment variable COVERAGE :

COVERAGE=ohyesplease rake

Coverage will be generated in the coverage folder, thanks to SimpleCov.

If you don't want bacon to spit out backtrace, just set a BACON_MUTE environment variable :

BACON_MUTE=yup rake

Planned features

  • Write the Planned Features section in README
  • Find a LICENCE

Contributing to pdnsui

  • Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet
  • Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn't requested it and/or contributed it
  • Fork the project
  • Use a specific branch for your changes (one bonus point if it's prefixed with 'feature/')
  • write tests, doc, commit and push until you are happy with your contribution
  • Send a pull request (against develop please)
  • Please try not to mess with the Rakefile, version, or history


This is released WTFPLv2, and comes without any warranty.
