
lite template render engine for JavaScript

Primary LanguageJavaScript


###A lite angular-like template engine for JavaScript

##why using SodaRender?

####SodaRender is just 3KB in size. ####SodaRender has AngularJs Template like Apis. It will make your template file tidy, clearly to read. ####SodaRender reduces the error while cgi responses the data in unexpected way, such as losting some keys, error value types. ####SodaRender prevents XSS holes in your template file. ####SodaRender uses DOM parsor to render your template rather than string replacement, so it's more effective.

##who using sodaRender? SodaRender is currently using by QQ Tribes(兴趣部落) and other projects

##how to use SodaRender


            SodaRender Examaple
    <ul id="targetUl">
        <script type="text/soda" id="dataList">
            <li soda-repeat="item in list" soda-if="item.show">
var templateStr = document.getElementById("dataList");
var target = document.getElementById("targetUl");

var data = {
    list: [
        {name: "A"},
        {name: "B"}

var result = sodaRender(templateStr, data);

##APIs Of SodaRender


USING :   SodaRender(String templateStr, Object data)
DESCR :   Using templateStr with data to render template
RETURN: DOM Fragment
the DOM Frament Object has a method innerHTML which will return the rendered HTML code.
Meanwhile, you can use it like a common DOM Node, such as appending it to your target node.


USING :   SodaFilter(String filterName, Function func(input, args...))
DESCR :   Defining Filters, so you can use filters in template

##Template Language (AngularJs Template Like) ###Now, we just offer three directives as below. More will be added soon later. But the three directives are able to meet our daily needs. ####{{}}

out put expressions

{{item.name + 1}}


soda-repeat="item in array" soda-repeat="item in array track by index" USING :   SodaRender(String templateStr, Object data)
DESCR :   Using templateStr with data to render template




soda-class="currItem === 'list1' ? 'active' : ''"











{{input|filte1:args1:args2...|filter2:args...}} how to define filters? Just using sodaFilter Method as methioned above. Here is an example.

SodaFilter('shortTitle', function(input, length){
        return (input || '').substr(0, length);

Template below

<div soda-repeat="item in list">
    <div class="title">