
Primary LanguagePHP

Ansible for Automation!

Well hi there! This repository holds the code and script for the Animated Deployment with Ansistrano course on KnpUniversity.


If you've just downloaded the code, congratulations!

To get it working, follow these steps:

Setup parameters.yml

First, make sure you have an app/config/parameters.yml file (you should). If you don't, copy app/config/parameters.yml.dist to get it:

cp app/config/parameters.yml.dist app/config/parameters.yml

Next, look at the configuration and make any adjustments you need (like database_password).

Download Composer dependencies

Make sure you have Composer installed and then run:

composer install

You may alternatively need to run php composer.phar install, depending on how you installed Composer.

Setup the Database

Again, make sure app/config/parameters.yml is setup for your computer. Then, create the database and the schema!

php bin/console doctrine:database:create
php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
php bin/console hautelook_alice:doctrine:fixtures:load

If you get an error that the database exists, that should be ok. But if you have problems, completely drop the database (doctrine:database:drop --force) and try again.

Build Assets

The assets are built with Webpack Encore. First, make sure you have yarn installed. Then:

yarn encore dev

Start the built-in web server

You can use Nginx or Apache, but the built-in web server works great:

php bin/console server:run

Now check out the site at http://localhost:8000

For convenience

If you are using PhpStorm you may install and enable the Symfony Plugin via the preferences which provides more auto-completion for Symfony projects.

Have fun!


Ansible dependencies

To manage third-party Ansible roles which are dependencies of our project we use the requirements file. To install all the dependencies use:

$ ansible-galaxy install -r ansible/requirements.yml

Ansible Vault

We use Ansible Vault to hold all the sensitive data private. To edit the vault, execute:

$ ansible-vault edit ./ansible/vars/vault.yml

And enter the correct password. The password from our vault is beefpass. For your own vaults you would probably use much stronger passwords and keep them secret.

Create EC2 instance

You can create a new AWS EC2 instance manually in Amazon dashboard or execute our aws.yml playbook:

$ ansible-playbook ./ansible/aws.yml -i ./ansible/hosts.ini --ask-vault-pass

You also need to set up your own Amazon credentials in Ansible Vault. See above how to edit the Vault.

Provision the server

To provision your servers with Ansible, execute:

$ ansible-playbook ./ansible/playbook.yml -i ./ansible/hosts.ini -l aws --ask-vault-pass

Where aws is the host name which you want to provision. Also, you need to set up your server's public IP address in ansible/hosts.ini.

Deploy to production

To deploy the project to production with Ansistrano, execute:

$ ansible-playbook ./ansible/deploy.yml -i ./ansible/hosts.ini --ask-vault-pass

Have some Ideas or Feedback?

And as always, thanks so much for your support and letting us do what we love!

If you have suggestions or questions, please feel free to open an issue or message us.

<3 Your friends at KnpUniversity