
An E-commerce site template, implemented with Next.js and TypeScript. Styled with TailwindCSS. Username: admin@gmail.com Password: 12345678

Primary LanguageTypeScript

An E-commerce site template, implemented with Next.js and TypeScript. Styled with TailwindCSS. This is one of my portfolios, but I would be pleased if these codes helped others, so I published it as an open-source project. feel free to explore it, and if you need help, ask me. I would respond as soon as possible.

To support me, please create Pull request and give star⭐ to this repository.
I appreciate your support in advance. ❤

TechnologiesDemoFeaturesPagesGetting startedContributingContact Me


React  TypeScript  Next.js  Redux  Tailwind CSS


You can visit Demo: E-commerce Username: admin@gmail.com Password: 12345678


  • Multi-language (VI-EN)
  • Data Structure & Algorithm: Nested Structure

🔥Undeveloped features

  • Dashboard ( Chưa có API )
  • Bán hàng (Có thể design lại, và viết API Order)
  • Sản phẩm (Thêm option select Thêm mới ở (Cửa hàng, danh mục, nhãn hiệu, Đơn vị) )
  • Đặt hàng (Chưa design, Chưa có API)


  • Main (index)
  • Login/SignUp
  • Products List
  • Product Details
  • Cart
  • Favorites
  • About


🚀Getting Started

  1. Sign up in sanity.io and get projectId and token

Warning  To work with sanity, people how live in Iran should run VPN. 2. Clone the project

git clone https://github.com.git
  1. Install project dependencies
npm install
yarn add
  1. Enter your projectId into lib/client.ts
  2. Add .env file to root project, and enter your token into .env
  1. Go to sanity_onlineshop folder and open new terminal in this path, then
sanity start

open http://localhost:3333 and enter products.

  1. Run the development server in project root path:
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

You can start editing the page by modifying pages/index.tsx. The page auto-updates as you edit the file.


💬Contact Me
