
My e-ecommerce: Django 2.x - Python 3.x

Primary LanguagePython

My e-ecommerce: Django 2.x - Python 3.x


python -m venv myenvironment cd myenvironment Scripts\activate || deactivate

pip3 install django python

import django django.get_version() django.VERSION exit()

Create new project

pwd source bin/activate

django-admin startproject chipchip python manage.py migrate python manage.py runserver

The shop app

python manage.py startapp shop

Make models to DB

python manage.py makemigrations python manage.py migrate

Craete Super User

python manage.py createsuperuser name: chipchip pass: chip2409

Django Shell

python manage.py shell

Command Templates

Block tags are represented like this.

{% block any...name %} you put the code here... {% endblock %}

{% comment %} you put the code here... {% endcomment %}

{% for... %} you put the code here... {% endfor %}

There are some exceptions like

{% url '...' %} {% load ... %} {% extends "base.html" %}