

A blog created with Next.js (Typescript), Apollo GraphQL Server,
Prisma, Nexusjs, PostgreSQL and Mantine UI
View Demo »

                        Twitter@levblanc levblanc@gmail.com


This is a demo project I built to demo my fullstack skills.


  • User sign up / login / logout
  • Post create (with authentication protection)
  • Post update (with authentication protection)
  • Post publish (with authentication protection)
  • Post un-publish (with authentication protection)
  • Post delete (with authentication protection)
  • User profile (view only)
  • Theme Swither (dark / light themems)

Tech Stack

» Frameworks

Next React Typescript

» Back End

PostgreSQL Prisma Apollo GraphQL Nexusjs

» Front End

Mantine UI

Screenshot Preview

» Light Theme blogify-light

» Dark Theme blogify-dark

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Getting Started

This is an example of how you may give instructions on setting up your project locally. To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.


  • NodeJS: v16+
  • Npm / Yarn
  • PostgreSQL: v14+
  • NextJS: v13+


  1. Clone the repo

    git clone https://github.com/levblanc/apollo-graphql-blogify.git
  2. Install NPM packages

    npm install
    # OR
    yarn install
  3. Set up your JWT_SIGNATURE & DATABASE_URL in .env file (create one under project root)

  4. Prototype your DB with prisma:

    npx prisma db push
    # OR
    yarn prisma db push
  5. Run the app, then open browser on http://localhost:3000

    npm run dev
    yarn dev

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