
Open-Source Cloud-Native Digital Asset & Cryptocurrency Exchange Platform

Primary LanguageTSQLApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


OpenDAX is an open-source cloud-native multi-service platform for building a Blockchain/FinTech exchange of digital assets, cryptocurrency and security tokens.

Getting started with OpenDAX

1. Get a VM

Minimum VM requirements for OpenDAX:

  • 8GB of RAM (12GB recommended)
  • 4 cores vCPU (6 cores recommended)
  • 300GB disk space (SSD recommended)

A VM from any cloud provider like DigitalOcean, Vultr, GCP, AWS as well as any dedicated server with Ubuntu, Debian or Centos would work

2. Prepare the VM

2.1 Create Unix user

SSH using root user, then create new user for the application

useradd -g users -s `which bash` -m app

2.2 Install Docker and docker compose

We highly recommend using docker and compose from docker.com install guide instead of the system provided package, which would most likely be deprecated.

Docker follow instruction here: docker Docker compose follow steps: docker compose

2.3 Install ruby in user app

2.3.1 Change user using
su - app
2.3.2 Clone OpenDAX
git clone https://github.com/openware/opendax.git
2.3.3 Install RVM
gpg --keyserver hkp://keys.gnupg.net --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3 7D2BAF1CF37B13E2069D6956105BD0E739499BDB
curl -sSL https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable
cd opendax
rvm install .

3. Bundle install dependencies

bundle install
rake -T # To see if ruby and lib works

Using rake -T you can see all available commands, and can create new ones in lib/tasks

4. Run everything

4.1 Configure your domain

If using a VM you can point your domain name to the VM ip address before this stage. Recommended if you enabled SSL, for local development edit the /etc/hosts

Insert in file /etc/hosts www.app.local

4.2 Bring everything up

rake service:all

You can login on www.app.local with the following default users from seeds.yaml

Seeded users:
Email: admin@barong.io, password: 0lDHd9ufs9t@
Email: john@barong.io, password: Am8icnzEI3d!


Initial configuration

All the OpenDAX deployment files have their confguration stored in config/app.yml.

Feel free to fill it out with correct values:

Parameter Description
app.name Global application name
app.domain Base domain name to be used
ssl.enabled Enable SSL certificate generation
ssl.email Email address to use for SSL generation requests
images Application images tags
vendor Frontend application Git repo URL
render_protect Enable read-only mode for rendered files
Note: You can protect all the rendered files from being edited so that you wouldn't lose your changes upon re-rendering templates in the future by setting `render_protect` to `true` 

Once you're done with the configuration, render the files using rake render:config. You can easily apply your changes at any time by running this command.

Note: be sure to append all the subdomains based on app.domain to your
/etc/hosts file if you're running OpenDax locally

Bringing up the stack

The OpenDAX stack can be brought up using two ways:

  1. Bootstrap all the components at once using rake service:all[start]
  2. Start every component one-by-one using rake service:*component*[start]

The components included in the stack are:

  • proxy - Traefik, a robust cloud-native edge router/reverse proxy written in Go
  • backend - Vault, MySQL, Redis and RabbitMQ grouped together
  • cryptonodes - cryptocurrency nodes such as parity [Optional]
  • daemons - Peatio and Ranger daemons [Optional]
  • setup - setup hooks for Peatio and Barong to run before the application starts (DB migration etc.)
  • app - Peatio, Barong and the Ambassador API gateway
  • frontend - the frontend application located at vendor/frontend
  • tower - the Tower admin panel application located at vendor/tower

For example, to start the backend services, you'll simply need to run rake service:backend[start]

Note: all the components marked as [Optional] need to be installed using
rake service:*component*[start] explicitly

Go ahead and try your own OpenDAX exchange deployment!

Vault setup

You can run Vault in two modes: development and production. You can set it in the vault.mode field of app.yml. The main differences are:

  • Development mode Everything is stored in memory, thus all API keys and 2FA tokens are lost on every container restart.
  • Production mode Everything is persisted on the local filesystem, thus API keys and 2FA tokens are preserved between restarts. However, Vault needs to be unsealed after every stop/restart.

To setup Vault in production mode, go through the following steps:

  • docker-compose exec vault sh
  • vault operator init
  • Save the output to a file in a secure place
  • Unlock Vault with three different unlock keys - vault operator unseal *unseal_key*
  • vault login *root_token*
  • vault secrets enable totp
  • vault secrets disable secret
  • vault secrets enable -path=secret -version=1 kv

Add the Vault root token to config/app.yml, render the configs and start the app services. Afterwards, Vault should be fully configured and ready to work with Peatio and Barong.

For development mode Vault setup you don't have to perform any actions.

Stopping and restarting components

Any component from the stack can be easily stopped or restarted using rake service:*component*[stop] and rake service:*component*[restart].

For example, rake service:frontend[stop] would stop the frontend application container and rake service:proxy[restart] would completely restart the reverse proxy container.

Managing component deployments

Each component has a config file (ex. config/frontend/tower.js) and a compose file (ex. compose/frontend.yaml).

All config files are mounted into respective component container, except from config/app.yml - this file contains all the neccessary configuration of opendax deployment

Compose files contain component images, environment configuration etc.

These files get rendered from their respective templates that are located under templates directory.

How to update component image?

Modify config/app.yml with correct image and run rake:service[all] This will rerender all the files from templates directory and restart all the running services.

Alternitavely you can update the following files:

  • config/app.yml
  • templates/compose/*component*.yml
  • compose/*component*.yml And run rake service:component[start]

How to update component config?

Modify config/*component*/*config* and run rake service:component[start], if you want the changes to be persistent, you also need to update templates/config/*components*/*config*

Render compose file

# Delete all generated files
git clean -fdx

# Re-generate config from config/app.yml values
rake render:config

# Restart the container you need to reload config
docker-compose up frontend -Vd

Clone the vendors and start

source ./bin/set-env.sh
rake vendor:clone
docker-compose -f compose/vendor.yaml up -d

Terraform Infrastructure as Code Provisioning

You can easily deploy OpenDAX from scratch on Google Cloud Platform using Terraform!

To do this, just follow these simple steps:

  • Fill app.yml with correct values
  • Run rake terraform:apply
  • Access your VM from the GCP Cloud Console

To destroy the provisioned infrastructure, just run rake terraform:destroy

Installer tool

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openware/opendax/master/bin/install)"

Happy trading with OpenDAX!

If you have any comments, feedback and suggestions, we are happy to hear from you here at GitHub or at openware.com