- 0
packaging deprecation
#201 opened by guruofgentoo - 1
pythonjsonlogger deprecation warning
#200 opened by bchopson - 0
Don't set DEBUG in our config
#199 opened by rsyring - 0
pkg_resources deprecation
#198 opened by guruofgentoo - 0
Prepare for SQLAlchemy 2.0
#194 opened by bchopson - 0
Issues with app config and context in tests
#193 opened by bchopson - 0
Convert to new codecov uploader
#192 opened by bchopson - 1
rule() when used w/ a relative URL should not result in the default URL also being available
#179 opened by rsyring - 1
Remove our default blueprint
#167 opened by rsyring - 1
- 0
- 1
assets_include works intermittently in imported file
#177 opened by rsyring - 0
Remove six
#162 opened by rsyring - 1
Morphi throwing warnings about invalid resource paths
#161 opened by rsyring - 0
- 0
Use dashed names instead of underscore when calculating a template file name from class name
#168 opened by rsyring - 0
ensure CLI commands are registered
#178 opened by guruofgentoo - 1
Code formatting broken on "views" page
#170 opened by bchopson - 2
- 1
Flask's _request_ctx_stack is deprecated
#183 opened by rsyring - 0
Flask removes `MethodViewType` in v2.2.0
#184 opened by rsyring - 1
- 0
- 1
- 0
Asset support for SASS files
#174 opened by rsyring - 0
Enable Strict Undefined
#173 opened by rsyring - 1
`develop templates` command is broken
#172 opened by rsyring - 0
Support getting RUN environment variables
#171 opened by rsyring - 0
- 0
Warning related to soft_unicode
#164 opened by rsyring - 0
- 0
Flask 2.0 deprecates script_info
#159 opened by rsyring - 1
clean up KEG_SMTP_HOST
#134 opened by guruofgentoo - 0
Add link to documentation
#151 opened by bchopson - 1
`db init` does not create any missing schemas
#143 opened by tjlevel12 - 1
Base testing class for forms
#149 opened by bchopson - 0
Add `testing.app_config()`
#121 opened by rsyring - 0
setting for db naming convention
#123 opened by guruofgentoo - 0
- 0
Provide mechanism for initial database creation
#145 opened by rsyring - 0
Test i18n in CI
#130 opened by bchopson - 0
remove oauth methods
#142 opened by guruofgentoo - 1
Flask 1.1 breakage
#126 opened by guruofgentoo - 1
Setup and deploy Sphinx Documentation
#138 opened by matthiaswh - 0
Integrate Struct Log into this project
#141 opened by nZac - 0
Remove Keyring
#132 opened by nZac - 3
Exception should Inhert from KegAppError or some base
#135 opened by nZac - 1
Blueprints fail without a URL prefix
#131 opened by matthiaswh - 0
component structure
#124 opened by guruofgentoo - 1
Cross join prevention in base query
#122 opened by nZac