
Nodejs, JSON, Javascript, Bootstrap, pug, Handlebarjs, Socketio

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Institution: Carleton University, School of Computer Science

Instructor: Louis Nel


Institution: Carleton University, School of Computer Science

Instructor: Anil Somayaji

click to redirect to winter_assignments github page

---all zip files description are from course and owned by instructors above

---works are not gonna be submitted, just for practice

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you can run projects' nodejs applications with following virtual box image

here is virtual box image link

ASSIGNMENT 1 : read file on server and send JSON object to client side page
Open and read files on the server.

Send JSON objects from server to browser in response to a request.

Convert javascript objects to JSON strings and vice versa. 

Send HTTP GET or POST requests from client to server and extract the response data.

Receive HTTP GET or POST requests from the client and formulate a response. 

Send the HTML and javascript representing the app to the browser.


ASSIGNMENT 2 : generate client side and server side two way traffic and manage string format
Open and read files on the server.

Send JSON objects between browser and server.

generate chord pro format based on text file and print on screen

the texts on screen are movable and can be saved based on position on screen as original text format


ASSIGNEMNT 3 : Real-Time Collaboration with Web Sockets
using socket.io module build asynchronous communication on curling game

broadcast real-time game picture to all clients

restrict players to 2 clients


ASSIGNMENT 4 : API-based Express App
using pug(jade), express, bootstrap to build a Server application

query JSON data from "food2Fork" server and render my html page through my server

query data with both post and get method

ezgif com-video-to-gif 1