Made by: Levi Kohler
This is my independent project for week 11 at Epicodus. This application utilizes a Many-To-Many relationship between engineers and machines. Users can add, edit, delete, or pair engineers with machines and vice versa.
- Clone this repository to your Dekstop.
- Navigate to the directory named 'Factory' in the terminal
- Type 'dotnet restore' in the terminal to download all dependencies
- Still in the 'Factory' directory, create a file titled 'appsettings.json'
- In 'appsettings.json' copy and paste this code: { "ConnectionStrings": { "DefaultConnection": "Server=localhost;Port=3306;database={YourFirstName_YourLastName};uid=root;pwd={YourPassword};" } }
- Replace {YourFirstName_YourLastName} with the name of your database, and replace {YourPassword} with your password
- Still in the 'Factory' directory, type 'dotnet ef database update' to download all databases.
- Navigate back to the 'Factory' directory and type 'dotnet run' into the terminal
- Open a browser window and navigate to the URL 'http://localhost:5000'
- C# 9
- Entity Framework Core
- .NET v5.0
- MySQL Workbench
- Git and GitHub
- No known bugs