This repo is an example of calling Rust from C code.
In this example we have two functions,
add(a,b) - that adds two numbers
solve_interleave(s1, s2, s3) - that solves Leetcode's 97. Interleaving String problem
The domain logic is clearly separated from FFI code for better reuse.
Also we are careful when using Strings from C code, we do not allocate new memory for Rust code, but we reuse the same memory that was allocated in C code, and we solve the problem by using lifetimes.
# navigage to rust_solver
$ cargo build
# create link to the build from the root of the project
$ sudo ln -s $(pwd)/rust_solver/target/debug/
# compile C code
$ gcc main.c -o main -L. -lrust_solver
# Run the code
$ ./main