Distributed Systems final Assignment

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Build Status


Our solution for practical assignment B of the distributed computing systems course @Tu Delft. The purpose is to create a distributed game server that is fault tolerant due to the replication of the state over multiple instances.

There are two applications. The mirror server that handles the logic of a mirror server running the mech code game and that can serve a webpage and a socket connection to play the game. The other application, clientagent is very small and is used to simulate a user. It connects to the mirror server with a websocket.

The web client looks as follows:

  • U (You) is your character.
  • M (Mech) are the other characters.
  • D (Dragon) are the monsters that need to be slain.
  • (Health, Hitpoints)

Get packages

cd mirror && npm install


cd mirror && npm test


To run the mirror server: cd mirror && npm start To run the client agents: cd clientagent && npm start