
Demo app built with Express, Mongoose to demonstrate a fully working JSON API (http://jsonapi.org/) implementation

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Demo app built with Express, Mongoose to demonstrate a fully working JSON API implementation.

It is a work in progress. Some features need to be implement to have a complete working example API. Some missing features : Errors, Payload validation, etc...

Feel free to contribute to build a fully working JSON API example.


  1. git clone https://github.com/danivek/json-api-express.git
  2. npm install
  3. npm start
  4. Browse http://localhost:8080/docs


This is a sample app modeling a blog with articles, author, comments, tags, etc...

Try some endpoints :

Or explore api endpoints with swagger-ui at : http://localhost:8080/docs



  • MongoDB - Download and Install MongoDB - you'll need mongoDB to be installed and have the mongod process running.
  • Node.js 4+ or above