
command line utility to interact with the Orthanc DICOM server

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Command line utility to interact with the Orthanc DICOM server.

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$ orthanctool help
Usage: orthanctool <flags> <subcommand> <subcommand args>

	changes          yield change entries
	clone            create a complete copy of all instances in an orthanc installation
	recent-patients  yield patient details for most recently changed patients


$ ./orthanctool help clone
clone --orthanc <source_url> --dest <dest_url>:
	copy all instances from <source> at the orthanc installation at <dest>.

  -dest value
    	destination Orthanc URL
  -orthanc value
    	source Orthanc URL
  -poll-interval int
    	poll interval in seconds (default 60)
$ orthanctool clone --orthanc http://A.example/ --dest http://B.example/

This copies all instances from A to B. It also watches A for changes and copies new instances as soon as they are added.

Recent Patients

$ orthanctool help recent-patients
recent-patients --orthanc <url> [command...]:
	Iterates over all patients stored in Orthanc roughly in most recently changed order.
	Outputs JSON with patient ID and LastUpdate timestamp.
	If <command> is given, it will be run for each patient and JSON will be passed to it via stdin.

  -orthanc value
    	Orthanc URL
  -poll int
    	poll interval in seconds. Set to 0 to disable polling) (default 60)

Patient JSON has the following format:

  "ID": "91b03ffc-e3672d12-988ec655-8e8e7d16-b28d78ec",
  "LastUpdate": "20170215T082242",
  "Remaining": 0

When a handler is given in the command line arguments, recent-patients executes that command for each patient and passes JSON via stdin. This passes every patient through jq, for example:

$ orthanctool recent-patients --orthanc http://A.example/ jq -c '.ID' | head -n 1

When --poll is true (default) then recent-patients will watch for changes and yield new patients as soon as they are stable.


$ ./orthanctool help changes
changes --orthanc <url> [--all] [--poll] [--sweep=<seconds>] [command...]:
	Iterates over changes in Orthanc.
	Outputs each change as JSON.
	If command is given, it will be run for each change and JSON will be passed to it via stdin.

    	yield past changes (default true)
  -filter string
    	only output changes of this type
  -orthanc value
    	Orthanc URL
  -poll int
    	poll interval in seconds. Set to 0 to disable polling) (default 60)
  -sweep int
    	yield all existing instances every N seconds. 0 to disable (default). Implies -all

Change JSON has the following format:

  "ChangeType": "StablePatient",
  "Date": "20170116T220930",
  "ID": "f2616d78-b63abb04-dec6bd51-3150e9a8-aee52ad4",
  "Path": "/patients/f2616d78-b63abb04-dec6bd51-3150e9a8-aee52ad4",
  "ResourceType": "Patient",
  "Seq": 2061