
Flux balance modeling service. Deploys both the client and service codes.

Primary LanguagePerlMIT LicenseMIT


This is the repository for the KBase module containing the web services for FBA modeling in KBase.

Development Deployment

NOTE: deploy on a server with at least 8 gb RAM

This module depends upon the following KBase modules:

  • kb_model_seed
  • kb_seed
  • idserver
  • workspace_service
  • auth

And the following services / software:

  • Running IDServer
  • Running workspace_service
  • GLPK ( run which glpsol to see if you have it)

The setup commands should be run as root to allow for creation and editing of base level directories.

Checkout a dev_container and run the bootstrap script in the container. Source the resulting user-env.sh script. Checkout this repository into the modules directory.

cd ~
git clone kbase@git.kbase.us:dev_container.git
cd ~/dev_container
./bootstrap /kb/runtime
source user-env.sh
cd modules
git clone kbase@git.kbase.us:KBaseFBAModeling.git 

Setup Services

To deploy a test version (with test data):

cd ~/dev_container/modules
git clone kbase@git.kbase.us:kb_model_seed.git
git clone kbase@git.kbase.us:idserver.git
cd ..
./bootstrap /kb/runtime
source user-env.sh
make deploy

The make and make deploy scripts may complain about missing modules. However the deploy will automatically download and install those missing modules.

Setup Test-Data

Note: requires a local MongoDB

export PATH=$PATH:/kb/deployment/bin
export PERL5LIB=$PERL5LIB:/kb/deployment/lib/perl5
ms createuser kbase   # use the password 'kbase' when prompted
ms login kbase        # use the password 'kbase' when prompted
ms stores add mongo --type mongo --host localhost
ms import biochemistry default
ms import mapping default -b default

Start Service

Note: copy the contents of deploy.cfg into /kb/deployment/deployment.cfg

cd /kb/deployment/services/fbaModelServices

Note: check /kb/deployment/services/fbaModelServices/error.log to verify the service is running properly


server-tests: see configs/test.cfg for default settings for server-tests client-tests: configured to run against a workspace service on the localhost. Either change to the production workspace service, or restart the fbaModelService on localhost with local workspace service (see /kb/deployment/deployment.cfg).