
A penalized unigram segmentation model

Primary LanguagePython

A word segmentation model solves the problem of splitting tokens such as "thisisacompound" to their components ["this", "is", "a", "compound"]. This project implements an unsupervised penalized unigram segmentation model. The implementation is a slight variation on the model proposed by Liang et al. (2009) in their paper "Online EM for Unsupervised Models" in that it further introduces a new offset hyperparameter c (explained below) and also treats spaces as fixed word boundaries.

Penalized Unigram Segmentation

The unigram segmentation model of a sentence s is defined as:

P(s) = \prod_k P[w_k]

where w_k denotes the k'th segment of s. This model is extermely simple but is known to have a degenerate solution -- one that does not segment the sentence s at all.

This project is a (Python) implementation of a penalized unigram segmentation which avoids the degenerate solution. According to this mode:

P(s) \propto \prod_k P[w_k] * e^( abs(|w_k| - c))^\beta )


  • |w_k| is the length of the k'th segment w_k
  • c is an offset parameter. Set c higher than 0 if short segments are unlikely.
  • beta is a coefficient governing how unlikely are long segments.

Testing and running the code

  • To test the code run python test.py --offset 2.
    • This should output F = 74.0 with p@r = 77.0@71.2 for beta=1.3
    • setting the offset to 0 (as in Liang et al.) results with F = 71.4 with p@r = 70.8@72.0 for beta=1.4
  • To train on your own data, run python segment.py --train filename --beta 1.3 > segmented.txt. Omit the filename to see the usage message.