Gluster CSI Driver for Kubernetes


This repository hosts the GlusterFS CSI driver, identified by the CSI plugin name "" The development of this driver was inspired by the csi-driver-nfs project available at Its purpose is to restore fundamental GlusterFS client support on OpenShift/OKD versions 4.12 and above. The Gluster CSI driver facilitates both dynamic and static provisioning, allowing users to either create on demand PVC with dynamic provisioning or use pre-existing volumes/subdirectories through static provisioning. When utilizing a storage class, PVs are presented as subdirectories within the Gluster volume.


git clone
cd csi-driver-glusterfs
podman build -t  csi-driver-glusterfs:latest  .


kubectl create -f deploy/.

Create Service Endpoints

Modify the external endpoints that match your gluster pool

kubectl create -f deploy/example/service.yaml

Create storage class for dynamic provisioning

Modify the following parameters

  server: <your primary glsuter endpoint>
  share: <gluster shared volume>
  - backup-volfile-servers=<additonal gluster endpoints>

Optionally specify default uid/gid on the PV for the storageclass

  uid: '1000'
  gid: '1000'
kubectl create -f deploy/example/storageclass.yaml

Remark: Dynamic Provisioning using storageclass are not support quota features, you have to run gluster volume quota cmd out of band

gluster volume quota <vol> limit-usage /pvc-<uuid> 10GB

Create Static provisioning

Mount your brick root directory

mount -t glusterfs glsuter-0:/data /mnt
cd /mnt
mkdir static-0
chmod <uid>:<gid> static-pv #match your pod runtime uid/gid

Create PV/PVC

modify example/static-pv.yaml with the paramters and options, such as

    - rw
    - backup-volfile-servers=gluster-1.okd.local:gluster-2.okd.local
  uid: '1000'
  gid: '1000'


      server: gluster-0.okd.local #Primary gluster endpoint
      share: /data/static-0 #volumes/subdirectory

finally generate a unique uuid for the volumeHandle using "uuidgen" util on OS

    volumeHandle: 8dd8cb13-dd16-419e-b89c-b6536c0c35d6 # Run uuidgen to generate a unique id
kubectl create -f example/static-pv.yaml

Quota Setup for static provisioning

gluster volume quota <vol> enable
gluster volume quota <vol> limit-usage /<dir> 10GB

Known Limitation

  • CSI Snapshot/SnapshotClass/SnapshotContent not supported
  • Resizer modify PV/PVC attributes only, you need to adjust quota from gluster volume/subdir seperately.