Build ======== 1. download toolchain and Ubuntu base from 2. put them on the same level of bootloader-arm64 and linux-arm64, then unzip toolchain, no need to unzip distro, now you get the following folders: . ├── bootloader-arm64 ├── distro │ └── distro_focal.tgz ├── gcc-linaro-6.3.1-2017.05-x86_64_aarch64-linux-gnu └── linux-arm64 3. $ sudo apt install bison flex bc rsync kmod cpio sudo \ uuid-dev cmake libssl-dev fakeroot \ dpkg-dev device-tree-compiler u-boot-tools \ uuid-dev libxml2-dev debootstrap \ qemu-user-static kpartx 4. $ source bootloader-arm64/scripts/ 5. $ build_bsp