
Implementation of End-to-End YOLO Models for DeepStream

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

DeepStream / YOLO with End2End Implementation

Implementation of End-to-End YOLO Detection and Segmentation Models for DeepStream

This repository offers an optimized implementation of End-to-End YOLO models for DeepStream, enhancing inference efficiency by integrating Non-Maximum Suppression (NMS) directly into the YOLO models. This approach supports dynamic batch sizes and input sizes, providing seamless adaptability.

DeepStream Version Support

This repository supports DeepStream versions 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, and 7.0 for both dGPU/X86 and Jetson platforms.

Note: DeepStream 7.0 is now supported on Windows WSL2, which greatly aids in application development.

Supported End2End Models


Model Feature Dynamic Shape Dynamic Batch Size NMS-Free Efficient NMS
YOLOv10 Detection
YOLOv9 Detection
YOLOv8 Detection
YOLOv7 Detection

Instance Segmentation

Model Feature Dynamic Shape Dynamic Batch Size NMS-Free Efficient NMSX / RoiAlign
YOLOv9 Segmentation
YOLOv8 Segmentation
YOLOv7 Segmentation

Dynamic Shapes - TensorRT enables the creation of network resolutions different from the original exported ONNX.

Dynamic Batch Size - Dynamically adjusts the batch size to maximize model performance according to the GPU's.

NMS-Free - Models natively implement NMS-Free, available for some YOLOv9 models and all YOLOv10 detection models.

TensorRT Plugins - TensorRT EfficientNMS plugin for detection models, and EfficientNMSX / ROIAlign plugins for segmentation models.

Detection Model Output Layers

  • num_det
  • det_boxes
  • det_scores
  • det_classes

Instance Segmentation Model Output Layers

  • num_det
  • det_boxes
  • det_scores
  • det_classes
  • det_masks

With all models standardized with output layers ensure consistency across all YOLO models, we have streamlined processes in DeepStream using the nvdsinfer_yolo library for post-processing, supporting the entire YOLO series without the need for additional modifications.

Future Implementations 🚀

Support for QAT Models

  • Yolov10-QAT - 🔧 In Development
  • Yolov9-QAT - ✅ Ready
  • Yolov8-QAT - 🔧 In Development
  • Yolov7-QAT - ✅ Ready

Ready: Quantization Aware Training is implemented and ready for use, but integration into the current repository is still in progress. Stay tuned for updates!
In Development: Development is ongoing to add support for models with Quantization Aware Training. Stay tuned for updates!

These future implementations aim to expand the range of models supported by this repository, offering enhanced capabilities for your projects.

Project Workflow

This project involves important steps as outlined below:

1. Clone Repo and Submodules

git clone https://github.com/levipereira/deepstream-yolo-e2e.git
cd deepstream-yolo-e2e
git submodule update --init --recursive

2. Run Deepstream Container

sudo docker pull nvcr.io/nvidia/deepstream:7.0-triton-multiarch

Start the docker container from deepstream-yolo-e2e dir:

2.1 Windows WSL

sudo  docker run \
        -it \
        --privileged \
        --rm \
        --net=host \
        --ipc=host \
        --gpus all \
        -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY \
        -e CUDA_CACHE_DISABLE=0 \
        --device /dev/snd \
        -v /tmp/.X11-unix/:/tmp/.X11-unix \
        -v `pwd`:/apps/deepstream-yolo-e2e \
        -w /apps/deepstream-yolo-e2e \

2.2 Linux

sudo  docker run \
        -it \
        --privileged \
        --rm \
        --net=host \
        --ipc=host \
        --gpus all \
        -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY \
        -v /tmp/.X11-unix/:/tmp/.X11-unix \
        -v `pwd`:/apps/deepstream-yolo-e2e \
        -w /apps/deepstream-yolo-e2e \

2.3 Jetson

sudo  docker run \
        -it \
        --privileged \
        --rm \
        --net=host \
        --ipc=host \
        --runtime nvidia \
        -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY \
        -v /tmp/.X11-unix/:/tmp/.X11-unix \
        -v `pwd`:/apps/deepstream-yolo-e2e \
        -w /apps/deepstream-yolo-e2e \

3. Install Deepstream Aditional Plugins

bash /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream/user_additional_install.sh

4. Build Parse Function nvdsinfer_yolo used by PGIE

cd /apps/deepstream-yolo-e2e
bash scripts/compile_nvdsinfer_yolo.sh

5. Optional: Patch libnvinfer_plugin to Add EfficientNMX plugin

Important: This step is mandatory if you plan to use segmentation models.

cd /apps/deepstream-yolo-e2e
bash TensorRTPlugin/patch_libnvinfer.sh

6. Download YOLO models

cd /apps/deepstream-yolo-e2e/models

6. Convert Models ONNX to TensorRT

This script converts an ONNX file to a TensorRT engine.

Note This process may take up to 15 minutes due to the building Engine File with FP16 precision.

scripts/onnx_to_trt.sh -f file.onnx [-b batch_size] [-n network_size] [-p precision] [-c config_file] [--force]
  • -f: (Required) Name of the .onnx file to be processed.
  • -b: Batch size. Default is 1.
  • -n: Network size. Default is 640.
  • -p: Precision. Options are fp32, fp16, and qat. Default is fp16.
  • -c: Configuration PGIE file to update.
  • --force: Force re-generation of the engine file if it already exists.

Note: The PGIE configuration file (flag -c) must be config_pgie_yolo_det.txt for detection models and config_pgie_yolo_seg.txt for segmentation models.

cd /apps/deepstream-yolo-e2e
bash scripts/onnx_to_trt.sh -f models/yolov10n-trt.onnx -c config_pgie_yolo_det.txt

6. Run Application

## Detection
deepstream-app -c deepstream_yolov9_det.txt

## Segmentation
deepstream-app -c deepstream_yolov9_mask.txt

Video Processed with DeepStream 7.0 and YOLOv9-Segmentation

YOLOv9 Segmentation

How to Use Custom YOLO Models in This Project

After training your model, you need to export the model to the ONNX format by implementing the final layers of the model using End2End.
The procedure is detailed in the YOLO End2End

Additionally, you must update the labels.txt file and modify the number of classes in the configuration file, either config_pgie_yolo_det.txt.txt or config_pgie_yolo_seg.txt.

Using EfficientNMSX Plugin for Segmentation Models

Segmentation models in this project depend on the EfficientNMSX plugin, which is only available in my TensorRT repository. If users prefer not to use the precompiled libnvinfer_plugin.so from this repository, they have the option to clone the forked repository and build libnvinfer_plugin.so themselves.

To build the plugin:

  1. Clone the forked repository containing the EfficientNMSX plugin.
  2. Follow the build instructions provided in the repository to compile libnvinfer_plugin.so.
  3. Ensure that the compiled plugin is correctly integrated into your project environment.

This approach allows users flexibility in choosing whether to use the precompiled plugin or build it from the source, depending on their specific requirements and preferences.