- This repository is for those who want to make embeds in eris easier, without having to install packages or create the JSON embed.
- Este repositório é para quem deseja fazer embeds no eris de forma mais fácil, sem precisar ficar instalando pacotes ou criando a embed em JSON.
const { Client } = require("eris")
const Embed = require("./src/structures/Embed")
const client = new Client('The bot token here')
client.on("messageCreate", message => {
if (message.content.toLowerCase() === '!embed') {
const embed = new Embed()
embed.setAuthor(message.author.username, message.author.avatarURL)
embed.setTitle("Title of embed")
embed.setDescription("Description of embed")
embed.addField("The field's name of embed", "The field's description of the embed")
embed.setFooter(message.author.username, message.author.avatarURL)
content: "Hello, world!",
embeds: [embed]