
A tool to help you build & document web component libraries, and then integrate them into your web projects.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Fractal is a tool to help you build and document web component libraries and then integrate them into your projects.

Build Status Greenkeeper badge NPM Version

Read the Fractal documentation at http://fractal.build/guide.

Need help? We have an active and helpful community on Fractal's Discord server - join us there for support and tips.


Component (or pattern) libraries are a way of designing and building websites in a modular fashion, breaking up the UI into small, reusable chunks that can then later be assembled in a variety of ways to build anything from larger components right up to whole pages.

Fractal helps you assemble, preview and document website component libraries, and then integrate them into your web sites, apps and build processes to create joined up, 'living' projects.

Fractal can be run from the command line or integrated into your project via its API.

Check out the the Fractal documentation for more information.


There is no 'official' demo for Fractal up yet, but bits.24ways.org (repository: https://github.com/24ways/frontend) is an excellent example of a component library built on Fractal. Kudos to @paulrobertlloyd for his great work!


Any LTS (Long-term stable) version of NodeJS. At the time of writing this is 6 (Boron) and 8 (Carbon).

If you're on an earlier (unsupported) version of NodeJS, then see the below compatibility table.

NodeJS version Fractal version
4.x 1.1.7
5.x 1.1.7


Fractal is a project that has recently evolved rapidly and organically from a proof-of-concept prototype into a more stable, mature tool. Because of this it's currently pretty far behind where it should be in terms of test coverage. Any contributions on this front would be most welcome!

Existing tests can be run using the npm test command.


Fractal has an active group of contributors but we are always looking for more help. If you are interested in contributing then please come and say hi on Fractal's Discord server - or of course we will always welcome pull requests on any of the frctl organisation repos.

Please note we have a code of conduct, please follow it in all your interactions with the project.


Fractal is developed and maintained by Danielle Huntrods, Mark Perkins and all our excellent contributors.

Ongoing support by Clearleft makes this project possible. Thank you!