
Discord Bot for private channel

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This is a readme.

Note: This bot is currently not under development, but is expected to recieve an overhaul in the near future.

The following is a bot that is written for a private server in discord. It includes generally vanilla code but may have influences and snippets from other existing solutions.

This is written mainly as a programming exercise.

To Use

Before use, please fill in the authTemplate.json that is provided with this repository with your own client ID keys for discord, twitter, and any other API that you wish to use.

Should you decide to not sue any of the features given by the API, all but the discord tokens are optional and would need to be filled on only if you want to use it.

Finally, please rename authTemplate.json into auth.json before using the bot. Download all the dependecies through npm and then run the bot in node.

Logging is currently barebones and does not log many of the actual activity.

Current Feature List

  • Says hello to you.
  • Twitter user/handle name lookup
  • Youtube Video and Channel search function
  • Roll function (Random Number Generation)
  • (Beta) Pixiv User Display function and latest work show function

Other stuff.

This is only written as a programming exercise and there are better off the shelf discord bots that serve the same purpose. I would only suggest you use this if you have a personal interest in my work or would want to use this as a framework for something bigger you are working on.

The bot is currently in alpha and development is expected to continue. There are still many features that are missing.

Leong, Vincent Wai U