Parser combinator library for Dafny
include "Parsing.dfy"
module Example {
import opened Parsing
datatype SExpr = Atom(string) | List(seq<SExpr>)
method Main() {
// single characters
var digit: Parser<char> := Parse.Digit();
print digit.Parse("5"); // Some(5)
print digit.Parse("X"); // None
var digitOrLetter: Parser<char> := digit.Or(Parse.Letter());
print digitOrLetter.Parse("X"); // Some(X)
print digitOrLetter.Parse("+"); // None
// identifiers
var id: Parser<string> := Parse.Letter().Seq(
(c: char, s: string) => [c] + s);
print id.Parse("x23"); // Some(x23)
print id.Parse("a_s"); // Some(a_s)
print id.Parse("12a"); // None
// s-expressions
var sexpr: Parser<SExpr> := Parse.Fix((sexp: Parser<SExpr>) requires sexp != null => (
var atom: Parser<SExpr> := digitOrLetter.OneOrMore().Map(s => Atom(s));
var lst: Parser<SExpr> :=
.Then(sexp.ZeroOrMore().Map(l => List(l)))
print sexpr.Parse("x23"); // Some(Atom(x23))
print sexpr.Parse("(a b c)"); // Some(List(Atom(a),Atom(b),Atom(c)))
print sexpr.Parse("((a) b)"); // Some(List(List(Atom(a)),Atom(b)))
print sexpr.Parse("(("); // None
A frist version of this library was implemented in pure Dafny using algebraic datatypes and functions. However, recursive parsing requires either late binding for closures or a fixpoint combinator. The latter was implemented correctly but simple examples caused Dafny to timeout due to the nested requirements of anonymous functions.
Therefore, the current version is written mostly in C# with a Dafny-specific interface and a class/method-based API.