
Ansible role to manage and run the PostgreSQL docker container

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PostgreSQL Role

Build Status

Ansible role to manage and run the PostgreSQL docker container. More information about using docker image.

Role Variables

  • docker_postgres__name (default: postgres): This name used in name of home folder path and in name of container.
  • docker_postgres__image (default: postgres:latest)
  • docker_postgres__port (default: 5432)
  • docker_postgres__superuser_name (default: postgres): This variable will create the specified user with superuser power and a database with the same name.
  • docker_postgres__superuser_password (default: postgres): This environment variable sets the superuser password for PostgreSQL.
  • docker_postgres__file_volumes (optional): Mount files into docker.
  • docker_postgres__env (optional): Environment Variables.
  • docker_postgres__network_mode (default: host): Connect the container to a network.
  • docker_postgres__networks (default: []): List of networks the container belongs to.
  • docker_postgres__purge_networks(default: no): Enforce the removal of the default network (and all other networks not explicitly mentioned in networks).
  • docker_postgres__log_driver (default: json-file): Specify the logging driver.
  • docker_postgres__log_options (optional): Dictionary of options specific to the chosen log_driver. See Configure logging drivers for details.
  • docker_postgres__remove_existing_home_dir (default: no): Remove home directory of instance with data and old configs before setup postgres. It's needed for CI.
  • docker_postgres__remove_existing_container (default: yes)
  • docker_postgres__pull_image (default: yes)
  • docker_postgres__wait_for_start (default: no): Waiting for startup postgres container.
  • docker_postgres__pg_hba_conf: This variable contains content of pg_hba.conf.
  • docker_postgres__postgresql_conf: This variable contains content of postgresql.conf.

Replication settings:

  • docker_postgres__slave (default: no): Make a base backup from master and run postgres container as slave.
  • docker_postgres__master_host (default: localhost): Host of master database.
  • docker_postgres__master_port (default: 5432): Port of master database.
  • docker_postgres__recovery_conf: This variable contains content of recovery.conf.


  • docker

Example Playbook

- hosts: all
  become: yes
  become_method: sudo
  - role: levonet.docker_postgres
    docker_postgres__name: postgres-11
    docker_postgres__image: postgres:11.1-alpine
    docker_postgres__port: 5678
    docker_postgres__superuser_name: superuser
    docker_postgres__superuser_password: supersecret
      POSTGRES_DB: my_db
    docker_postgres__log_driver: syslog
      syslog-facility: local0
      tag: "{{ docker_postgres__name }}"

An example of running a PostgreSQL cluster on a single server

Change the IP address to a valid server address.

- hosts: all
  become: yes
  become_method: sudo
    docker_postgres__superuser_password: supersecret
    docker_postgres__master_port: 5550
  - set_fact:
      docker_postgres__postgresql_conf: |
        {{ docker_postgres__postgresql_conf }}
        max_wal_senders = 10
        wal_keep_segments = 64
        hot_standby = on
        synchronous_standby_names = 'ANY 1 (*)'
  - role: levonet.docker_postgres
    docker_postgres__name: postgres-master
    docker_postgres__port: "{{ docker_postgres__master_port }}"
  - role: levonet.docker_postgres
    docker_postgres__name: postgres-salve-1
    docker_postgres__port: 5551
    docker_postgres__slave: yes
  - role: levonet.docker_postgres
    docker_postgres__name: postgres-salve-2
    docker_postgres__port: 5552
    docker_postgres__slave: yes



Author Information

This role was created by Pavlo Bashynskyi