Wheather Image

Weather App


This Python program leverages an API to fetch and display weather data based on user input, such as a city name.


Before using or contributing to this project, please ensure the following steps are completed:

  • Python Installation: Make sure Python is installed on your system.
  • Library Installation: Install the requests library using the command pip install requests.
  • Integrated Development Environment (IDE): It is recommended to use an IDE such as Visual Studio Code for code development.

Implementation Steps

  1. Import Libraries: Start by importing the requests library to enable HTTP requests.
  2. URL Construction: Construct the API request URL with the provided city name and API key.
  3. API Request: Send a GET request to the API and store the response.
  4. Response Validation: Ensure the response status code is 200, indicating a successful request.
  5. Data Parsing: If successful, parse the JSON data from the response.
  6. Information Extraction: Extract relevant weather information from the JSON data.
  7. Error Handling: Use try-except blocks to handle potential errors during the API request process.
  8. User Input: Prompt the user to enter a city name.
  9. Function Execution: Call the fetch_weather function with the user-provided city name.
  10. Display Results: If weather data is successfully retrieved, display the weather information.
  11. Script Execution: Ensure the main function is called when the script is executed directly.


Ugwoke Levi


[Ernest](tel:+234810154 0593)


This project is open-sourced under the MIT license.


For any inquiries or contributions, please contact Ugwoke Levi, Ernest, Noah.