An application to manage membership(cast) in a community (tribe)
In terminal, open two windows/tabs
(Mongo needs to be running as well)
npm run bundledev
npm run startdev
##TODO This article makes sense and is probably the better way to deploy to heroku right now, we're running webpack on heroku
Uses: lorenwest/node-config
Node-config reads configuration files in the ./config directory for the running process, typically the application root. This happens to be outside of the server directory. TODO: review whether these config files will be exposed to the React client app and fix the config strategy to correct this.
Uses: winstonjs/winston logging to MongoDB and Loggly
Suppress Email Sends To suppress attempt to send emails from the service, add or amend the file
to include the JSON key/value"suppressEmail": true
API Key SendGrid expecting
to contain the SendGrid API key
Efforts made to RESTful but also keeping the interface and responses consistent and convenient.
- create => POST
{ message: String, member: Object{} }
- update => PUT
- retrieve => GET
- delete => DELETE
User messages are sent using react-notifications, title, timeOut, callback, priority);
NotificationManager.success(message, title, timeOut, callback, priority);
NotificationManager.warning(message, title, timeOut, callback, priority);
NotificationManager.error(message, title, timeOut, callback, priority);
name | type | description |
message | string | The message string |
title | string | The title string |
callback | function | The popup timeout in milliseconds |
priority | boolean | If true, the message gets inserted at the top |
Originally, was using restify errors but that had a nasty bug in the browser and has been replaced by a custom errors strategy.... yeah
When errors are thrown, they will be returned in the following structure (modeled after JsonAPI, see note on serialization)):
errors: [
status: Integer, // HTTP or REST response code
source: { pointer: String }, // used to indicate which part of the request document caused the error
title: String, // generic error title
detail: String, // specific error message
stack: String // excluded in production, includes the error stack trace
a single error will still be returned as an array of one error
The module should be completed (not yet fully implemented) with the following HttpErrors:
400 BadRequestError
401 UnauthorizedError
402 PaymentRequiredError
403 ForbiddenError
404 NotFoundError
405 MethodNotAllowedError
406 NotAcceptableError
407 ProxyAuthenticationRequiredError
408 RequestTimeoutError
409 ConflictError
410 GoneError
411 LengthRequiredError
412 PreconditionFailedError
413 RequestEntityTooLargeError
414 RequesturiTooLargeError
415 UnsupportedMediaTypeError
416 RangeNotSatisfiableError (For Node >= 4 & iojs >= 3)
416 RequestedRangeNotSatisfiableError (For Node 0.x & iojs < 3)
417 ExpectationFailedError
418 ImATeapotError
422 UnprocessableEntityError
423 LockedError
424 FailedDependencyError
425 UnorderedCollectionError
426 UpgradeRequiredError
428 PreconditionRequiredError
429 TooManyRequestsError
431 RequestHeaderFieldsTooLargeError
500 InternalServerError
501 NotImplementedError
502 BadGatewayError
503 ServiceUnavailableError
504 GatewayTimeoutError
505 HttpVersionNotSupportedError
506 VariantAlsoNegotiatesError
507 InsufficientStorageError
509 BandwidthLimitExceededError
510 NotExtendedError
511 NetworkAuthenticationRequiredError
and the following RestErrors:
400 BadDigestError
405 BadMethodError
500 InternalError
409 InvalidArgumentError
400 InvalidContentError
401 InvalidCredentialsError
400 InvalidHeaderError
400 InvalidVersionError
409 MissingParameterError
403 NotAuthorizedError
412 PreconditionFailedError
400 RequestExpiredError
429 RequestThrottledError
404 ResourceNotFoundError
406 WrongAcceptError
Hosted on MongoLab production: staging:
mongodump -h --port 51008 --db tribecast -u replace_with_username -p replace_with_password --out backup/dump
mongorestore -h --port 51008 --db tribecast -u replace_with_username -p replace_with_password --drop backup/dump
to restore to local mongo from a dump of production:
mongorestore --host= --db tribecast --drop backup/dump/serenbe
Need notes here
Random notes on optimizing performance.
Check out this article react redux perf tuning
When using a pure component, pay special attention to arrays and functions. Arrays and functions create new refs so it’s up to you to create them only once and not during every render.
// NEVER do this
render() {
return <MyInput onChange={this.props.update.bind(this)} />;
// NEVER do this
render() {
return <MyInput onChange={() => this.props.update()} />;
// Instead do this
onChange() {
render() {
return <MyInput onChange={this.onChange}/>;