
Fuse: Kafka streams

Primary LanguageJava


Fuse: Kafka streams


Download confluent distribution https://www.confluent.io/product/confluent-open-source/


Run ./confluent start from bin folder

Run ./confluent status

control-center is [UP]
ksql-server is [UP]
connect is [UP]
kafka-rest is [UP]
schema-registry is [UP]
kafka is [UP]
zookeeper is [UP]

Control-center URL : http://localhost:9021 Swagger URL: http://localhost:9000/swagger-ui.html


We will develop polling system based on ‘Twin’ approach: http://people.csail.mit.edu/rivest/RivestSmith-ThreeVotingProtocolsThreeBallotVAVAndTwin.pdf

Topics will be used: List of candidates Voters list (sha from ssn + salt ) Raw votes Signed votes Voter anonymized metadata (age, education, address, income, num of children ...)

Queries: Voters statistics Participation rate and distributions Votes rate and distributions

./kafka-topics --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1  --topic vote
./kafka-topics --delete --topic vote --zookeeper localhost:2181
./confluent destroy
./kafka-console-consumer --topic vote --bootstrap-server   localhost:9092
./kafka-topics --list --zookeeper localhost:2181

# working with string messages:
cat votes.json | ./kafka-console-producer --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic vote