Patient Management System

This is a web application for managing patient details such as appointment dates, prescription details, etc. It provides features for adding, modifying, and deleting patient records.

Technologies Used

  • **React v17.0 **
  • **Bootstrap v5.3 **
  • **CSS latest **


  1. Clone the repository:
  2. Install the dependencies:

    cd client-thirty-two
     npm install
  3. Run the application:

    npm start
  4. Hopefully it should navigate you to http://localhost:3000.


Add Patient

  • Allows users to add a new patient record to the database by providing patient details such as name, age, gender, appointment date, and prescription details.

View Patient List

  • Displays a list of all the patient records in the database. Users can view patient details and perform operations such as editing or deleting the records.

Edit Patient

  • Allows users to modify existing patient records by changing appointment dates and prescription details.

Delete Patient

  • Allows users to delete patient records from the database.


This application was written by Mathew Mageto.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.