
CoA Task Force Pro Edition Challenge

Primary LanguageJavaScript

CoA Task Force Pro Edition Challenge

📖 CoA Challenge

Photo Gallery

An interactive, responsive photo gallery application that allows users to navigate through thumbnails, view images in full size, and enjoy seamless browsing experience across desktop and mobile platforms.

Coding Challenges

String Transform

  • Approach
    - Determine String Length: Calculate the length of the input string to identify which transformation(s) need to be applied.

    - Reverse String (Divisible by 3): If the length is divisible by 3, I reversed the string using .split(), .reverse(), and .join() methods.

    - Convert to ASCII Codes (Divisible by 5): If the length is divisible by 5, I mappped each character to its ASCII code using .charCodeAt(0) and join these codes into one string.

    - Reverse and Change to Char code (Divisible by 5 and 3): In cases where the string length satisfies both conditions, I reversed the string and convert it's chars to ASCII Code.

    - Return Original String: For lengths not divisible by 3 or 5, return the original string unchanged. 

Array Map

  • Approach
    - Initializes currentSum, startIndex, and endIndex to get the subarray sum.

    - Iterates through given array and adding each element to currentSum if endIndex is less than less than the lenght of given array.

    - Increment startIndex if currentSum exceeds target and adjust the current sum to only have the sum of current subarray

    - Checks if currentSum matches target after each adjustment; returns true if a match is found.

    - Continues iterating and adjusting the subarray start and end as well as sum until there are not other possibilities or no match is found so I return false

🛠 Built With

Tech Stack

  • JavaScript
  • CSS
  • HTML

Photo Gallery key Features

  • Thumbnail Navigation
  • Full-Sized Image Viewing
  • Responsive Design

🚀 Responsive Photo Gallery

iPhone-12-PRO iPad-PRO-11
Macbook-Air Macbook-Air-2

🚀 Live link

💻 Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running, follow these steps.


In order to run this project locally you need to install following locally:


To run the project locally, execute the following command:

  • Clone this repository
  git clone git@github.com:levy002/coa_taskforce_challenge.git

or Download a Zip File from This repository

  • Naviagate to the directory
  cd coa_taskforce_challenge
  • Open the directory in preffered IDE

  • Open the Gallery app in your browser

  open the index.html file preview
  • Enjoy our beautiful gallery 😊😊

👤 Author

👤 Levy Ukwishaka

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

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🙏 Acknowledgments

I would like to thank CoA for offering me the guidance.