
Ansible playbook to retrieve gluster and heketi data for troubleshoot and debugging purposes in an OpenShift 3.x environment

MIT LicenseMIT


This Ansible playbook is intended for use in OpenShift/OKD 3.x environments with Gluster. Its purpose is to ease gathering information that can be used to troubleshoot and debug Gluster and Heketi issues.


  • exports the current Heketi database to JSON format
  • exports all persistent volumes in OpenShift to YAML format
  • saves the volume info of every gluster volume
  • exports logical volume (LV) and volume group (VG) information to JSON format

How to

Before you begin, I assume you know how ansible and python virtual environments work.

  1. Copy hosts.sample and edit it as necessary
  2. Have a virtualenv active for this. I use pyenv.
  3. pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Have oc client installed
  5. heketi binary must be copied to its volume (aka /usr/bin/heketi to /var/lib/heketi)
    • This must be done with Heketi still running
    • The playbook works regardless if Heketi is running or not, however
  6. Be logged into the cluster you want
  7. ansible-playbook get-information.yaml
  8. When done, check the retrieved-data directory
  9. Create archive and send to Red Hat: XZ_OPT=0 tar -cJvf retrieved-data.$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M).tar.xz retrieved-data/$(date +%Y%m%d%H).*