
This repository contains a TOSCA blueprint for running benchmarking workflows of computing instances and MySQL instances

The contents of this repository:

  • The Blueprint that you will execute to install benchmarking packages, run benchmarking and collect results.
  • The supporting scripts.

Install Aria-tosca

pip install aria-tosca

Download benchmarking blueprints

git clone

How to Execute this Blueprint for ECS (Elastic Computing Service) instances

Step 1: Initialize

aria init -b ecs -p ecs-simple.yaml -i ecs-simple-inputs.yaml --install-plugins

Step 2: Install to start to install and run workflows

Then run the install workflow:

aria execute -w install -b ecs --task-retries 10 --task-retry-interval 10

Step 3: Uninstall to collect results

To uninstall the application we run the uninstall workflow:

aria execute -w uninstall -b ecs --task-retries 10 --task-retry-interval 10

How to Execute this Blueprint for RDS (Relational Database Services) instances

Step 1: Initialize

aria init -b rds -p rds-simple.yaml -i rds-simple-inputs.yaml --install-plugins

Step 2: Install to start to install and run workflows

Then run the install workflow:

aria execute -w install -b rds --task-retries 10 --task-retry-interval 10

Step 3: Uninstall to collect results

To uninstall the application we run the uninstall workflow:

aria execute -w uninstall -b rds --task-retries 10 --task-retry-interval 10


You need to modify the ecs-simple-inputs.yaml and rds-simple-inputs.yaml according to your own environment, e.g endpoint of ECS and RDS instances, and log server, etc.