Discord TS Economy

 * ! ----------------------------- Lewd Labs ---------------------------------
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 * ? ------------------------ Discord TS Economy ---------------------------

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  • 🍃 Power by MongoDB.
  • 🌀 Build with typescript.
  • Caching for quick load times.
  • 🤖 Made for Discord.js first.


Version 16.6.0 or newer of Node.js is required

yarn add discord-ts-economy
npm install discord-ts-economy
pnpm add discord-ts-economy

Basic Demo

import { Economy, CurrencyHandler } from "discord-ts-economy";

const eco = new Economy();

// connect our database
eco.connect("mongodb connection string");

const currencyHandler = new CurrencyHandler();

// Fetches all the documents from our database (if the exist) and saves them to our cache.

// adds a value of 100 through 500 to a users wallet with a 10 percent fail chance.
currencyHandler.work("some_user_id", 100, 500, 10);

Click the image below for a video style introduction. Demo Video Screenshot Link

Built with


Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.

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