The Fix Wiring mini game from Among Us written in JavaScript canvas. You can play this with a mouse or touch screen.
I initially started this as a dweet (on Dwitter) and then it just became a larger project. So much of the code is minified and not very readable. I did leave comments though. It oddly took a long time to implement touch capability.
I might go back and turn it into more readable code. But it was fun figuring out how to use mouse and touch actions.
👉🏻 Try it 👈🏻
- 📷 CapJS Turns this project into a high quality video.
- 🖼️ Dwitter Shim by KilledByAPixel (Frank Force)
- ⚡ Live Server (vscode extension)
I am a software engineer in Hawaii. Find more stuff I made here.
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