
A base nginx/hhvm/supervisor container.

MIT LicenseMIT


Runs HHVM behind Nginx with supervisor.


To do something useful you'll want to use this as a base and copy files into/srv/www or mount a volume there!


I've added some logic to the default.conf to use thengx_http_realip_module module and to relay the proxied HTTPS status to HHVM. If you want to make this more restrictive, you can adjust the set_real_ip_from lines or remove thefastcgi_param HTTPS line as needed. By default, nginx is setup to use the X-Forwarded-For header if the request comes from any of the standard private ip ranges (10.x.x.x, 192.168.x.x, - Additionally the HHVM admin server is passed through on port 8080, but not exposed outside of the container (if you do, do so carefully!)

Key Software Versions

  • Nginx: 1.9.8
  • HHVM: 3.11.0