A React video player for TV devices, with customisable buttons and arrow-key navigation. The component can play a variety of URLs like file paths, HLS/Dash streams and even YouTube links directly. Try out the demo on a desktop browser to see how it can simplify playback in your big-screen web apps: https://lewhunt.github.io/react-tv-player
- achanda101@Nrityagram
- AkimoA
- aleksandar-pajic-44Belgrade | Serbia
- AlNaheanMIcompany B.V.
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- barbudourRussia
- danieloemenike
- dougg0kBrazil
- elarkhamAbiomed
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- FrulkoVas-y Paulette
- gelzinn@reservey
- gyngSingapore
- HussseinkizzNile Squad
- iamcaishere
- ianwilliamNairobi, Kenya
- jcaladoPortugal
- jgoldin-skillzSkillz, Inc.
- jslivaneSeoul, Korea
- justinslackNML
- lamodotsLagos, Nigeria
- LekoArts@clerk
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- mudcrabEstonia
- mvgiacomelloLondon, UK
- OrenMeKaltura
- roy-shiloh@Exlint
- Safouene1MyPartner ISC
- seanc¯\_⎝ᵔ⍊ᵔ⎠_/¯
- sneheshtCharlotte, NC
- ssatriya
- trazyn
- umtksa
- vexiidenmark
- vietphan-ioofInsignia Financial
- zachcbColumbia, SC