This is used to log the keys that the user presses in browser
To use lewibs-keylogger in a project:
npm install lewibs-keylogger
import Keylogger from 'lewibs-keylogger';
//activate global
//new keylogger instannce
let logger = new Keylogger();
There are 3 important fields to note:
Keylogger.prototype.pressed which is:
Keylogger.prototype.history which is:
time: unixTimeInt,
event: Event,
Keylogger.instance : new Keylogger();
Additionally there are three prototypes attached:
start() : which starts logging
stop(): which pauses the logging
kill(): which pauses the logging and also removes the history
Overall you get an object which looks like this:
_events: [],
_running: true,
//public fields
isKeylogger: true,
global: Keylogger,
pressed: {},
//public methods
start: start(),
stop: stop(),
kill: kill(),
finally there are four unique keys:
const WHEEL = "wheel";
const LEFTMOUSE = "leftmouse";
const MIDDLEMOUSE = "middlemouse";
const RIGHTMOUSE = "rightmouse";
to test the keylogger run the test dir as a standard react program