
a min-heap priority queue for Io

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


A simple implementation of a min-heap priority queue for io made to help solve the Advent of Code problems.


This addon can be installed using the eerie package manager:

eerie install https://github.com/lewis-weinberger/PriorityQueue.git


Create a new queue with a pre-allocated heap using with:

queue := PriorityQueue with(100) # capacity for 100 elements before internal reallocation

Add a new value to the queue with integer priority using push:

value := 10
priority := 1
queue push(value, priority)

Remove and return the next element in the queue with pop:

highestPriority := queue pop

Note as this is a min-heap, the "highest priority" element next in the queue has the lowest priority value.

Finally you can query the size of the queue with size:

remaining := queue size

A longer example:

queue := PriorityQueue with(5)

queue push(5, 1)
queue push("hello", 4)
queue push(list(4, 4), 3)
queue push(3, 2)
queue push(2, 5)

queue size # 5

queue pop # 5
queue pop # 3
queue pop # list(4, 4)
queue pop # "hello"
queue pop # 2

queue pop # returns nil when empty
