Quiz #2


  1. Fork this repo
  2. Clone your fork
  3. Fill in your answers by writing in the appropriate area, or placing an 'x' in the square brackets (for multiple-choice questions).
  4. Add/Commit/Push your changes to Github.
  5. Open a pull request.


Question #1

Describe the purpose of a clearfix in CSS, and give an example of how to do it.

Your Answer:

Question #2

What does the following selector do? ul.dropdown > li?

Select 1:

[] Selects all li's which are directly inside a ul of class dropdown (children)
[] Selects all li's which are anywhere inside a ul of class dropdown (any descendant)
[] Selects all ul's of class dropdown, as well as the children elements that are li's
[] Selects all ul's of class dropdown, only if their children are exclusively li's


Question #3

Describe the rules of scope in JavaScript.

Your Answer:

Question #4

Define an object and store it in a variable pizza. The object should have 2 properties: a temperature (set to 70), and a method called bake. When called, this method should set the pizza's temperature to be 300. Note: you may not use the variable pizza inside your method.

Your Answer:

// write code here


Question #5

Define a function called doSomething. It should take one argument, called thingToDo. When called, doSomething should invoke the function given as an argument. Finally, demonstrate calling doSomething with a function.

Your Answer:

// write code here

Question #6

What is the difference between synchronous and asynchronous program execution?

Select all that apply:

[] Synchronous code runs at an even pace, asynchronous code runs with uneven pacing.
[] Synchronous code runs all at the same time, asynchronous code runs completely randomly
[] Synchronous code runs in order (as appears in the source), asynchronous code may run at a later time.


Question #7

Which of the following represents a correct workflow for submitting a PR on a non-master branch? (ignore the lack of commit messages)

Select 1:

[] fork on github; git clone <fork_url>; git checkout -b <charlie_solution>; git add <files>; git commit; git push; create pull request
[] fork on github; git clone <ga_dc_url>; git checkout -b <charlie_solution>; git add <files>; git commit; git push; create pull request
[] git clone <ga_dc_url>; git branch <charlie_solution>; git add <files>; git commit; git push; create pull request
[] fork on github; git clone <fork_url>; git checkout -b <charlie_solution>; git add <files>; git commit; git pull; create pull request


Question #8

Which of the following statements will work, assuming jQuery is loaded?

Select all that apply:

[] `$(".post").css("background", "peachpuff")`
[] `$(".post").innerHTML`
[] `$(".post").html()`
[] `document.getElementsByClassName("post")[0].innerHTML`
[] `document.getElementsByClassName("post").innerHTML`

Question #9

Using jQuery, add an event listener for clicks on the button with the id 'greeting'. When the event happens, the code should append a paragraph to the body, that says "hello".

Your Answer:

// your code here

Software Development Processes

Question #10

Create a repo for project 1. (You don't need to fork, just create a brand new repo).

Create a readme.md in that repo. In the readme, write out five (5) user stories for your first project. Be sure to include a role, goal, and reason for each.

Finally, link to your repo on github in the space below.

Your Answer: