Carer Web - Technical Testing Task


Carer jobs are constantly being added to our website. Using (live website, don't bring it down please) complete the tasks below.

Task 1

We are going to push changes to the search infrastructure, the functionality should stay the same. In order to ensure we have delivered quality, reliable and stable software what approach should we take?

  1. Add a explaining your test approach for this task, including different levels & types of test

Task 2

  1. Fix the broken test
  2. Add a negative scenario
  3. Refactor anything you would improve


  1. Some carer branches cover multiple locations
  2. Make sure to comment and add details of your thought process and any assumptions you have made
  3. Don't spend too long on it (2 hours max)


java version (jdk-
IntelliJ IDEA 2022.1.2 (Community Edition)

On Completion

  • Fork and push your changes, then notify the hiring manager
  • Clone then zip it up and email to hiring manager (please do not create a pull request or push to main)