
New dotfiles are hyprdots

Primary LanguageShell


Welcome to my dotfiles repository! These configuration files help me maintain a consistent environment across different systems. Feel free to explore and use anything you find useful.



Make sure to have the following tools installed before proceeding:

Clone this repository and navigate into it:

git clone https://github.com/lewisblackburn/dotfiles.git
cd dotfiles


Managing Dotfiles

My dotfiles are organized using a simple approach. I use a .gitignore file to ignore every file by default. To add specific files, use the following:

git add (file/folder) -f

Note (to self): Be cautious with nested Git repositories, such as the one for astronvim. I have had to put this in a separate git repo. Use git diff to review changes before pushing.

Configuration Highlights

  • Rofi: Custom configuration for the Rofi application launcher.
  • Polybar: Configurations for the polybar status bar.
  • Playerctl: Setup for controlling multimedia players from the command line.
  • Kitty: Configuration for the kitty terminal emulator.
  • Lazygit: Customizations for the lazygit Git client.
  • i3: Window manager configurations.
  • Fish: Shell configurations for the Fish shell.
  • Espanso: Configuration for the espanso text expander.
  • Starship: Custom prompt configuration for the Starship shell prompt.
  • Neovim/Astronvim: Vim configurations with the astronvim plugin.
  • Nerd Font: Use a nerd font like JetBrainsMono for enhanced typography.


There is a lot of bloat in this repo. I am really just messing around with i3. I'm liking it so far, however, I can see myself endlessly configuring this instead of donig something productive.