
analytics tool kit

Primary LanguageScalaOtherNOASSERTION

TAP Analytics Toolkit (AT)

End User Documentation

Setting up your build environment

You will need to increase your maven memory settings and set the https protocol.

export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx512m -XX:PermSize=256m -Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1.2"

You also need to add trustedanalytics.org certificate to your java keystore to download dependencies from our maven server.

wget https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/analytics-tool-kit/public.crt -O `pwd`/public.crt &&\
sudo keytool -importcert -trustcacerts -storepass changeit -file `pwd`/public.crt \
-alias trustedanalytics.org -noprompt \
-keystore `find -L $JAVA_HOME -name cacerts`

If you don't want to trust our public certificate you can change the all repository urls in parent pom from https://maven.trustedanalytics.org to http://maven.trustedanalytics.org


After cloning the repository (to a directory we'll refer to as 'atk'),

Start the zinc server for incremental compilation

bin/zinc.sh start

Compile source

mvn compile

To build all the jars necessary to run the rest server

mvn package -DskipTests

If you want to run all the test run the maven package without skipTests option

mvn package

You can add -T option to run maven with parallel execution except when running tests.

mvn -T 4 package -DskipTests
mvn -T 4 compile

#Not OK, will fail
mvn -T 4 package


This is an overview. Additional details and instructions are in the user documentation.

  • Pre-requisites
  • Build the project jars
  • Setup conf/ folder
    • Create a conf/application.conf based on the templates under conf/examples
      • Add cluster settings in application.conf
    • Create a conf/logback.xml if you want to configure logging
  • Use bin/rest-server.sh to start the server
  • cd /python-client
  • Open ipython or python shell
    • Verify you are running a python 2.7
    • Run these commands first
      • import trustedanalytics as ta
      • ta.connect()

Folders Overview

  • bin/ - scripts for starting REST server and scoring engine, etc.
  • conf/ - configuration templates for setting up a system, put your application.conf here for running out of source code
  • doc/ - end user docs for the system (except doc for specific plugins goes in the plugins themselves)
  • doc-api-examples/ - examples of api usage for plugins
  • engine/
    • engine-core/ - loads and executes plugins and provides the basic services that plugins need.
    • interfaces/ - interfaces the Engine exposes to the REST server. (we should move plugin args/return values out of here)
    • meta-store/ - code that interacts with the meta-store database repository including SQL scripts
  • engine-plugins/ - plugins use engine services to implement user visible operations
    • frame-plugins/ - frame related plugins, e.g. frame.add_columns()
    • graph-plugins/ - graph related plugins that run on Spark and GraphX
    • model-plugins/ - model related plugins, e.g. LinearRegressionModel
    • daal-plugins/ - experimental plugins related to Intel Data Analytics Acceleration Library (DAAL), e.g., DaalLinearRegressionModel
  • integration-tests/ - developer written, build time integration tests in python, these run against a minimal version of our product
  • misc/ - miscellaneous items that aren't really part of our product
  • module-loader/ - starts application and sets up ClassLoaders appropriately.
  • package/ - packaging for VM's, RPM's
  • python-client/ - python client code (talks with rest-server)
    • examples/ - example code for users of how to use the API
  • rest-server/ - the rest server converts HTTP requests to messages that are sent to the Engine
  • scoring-engine/ - a small lightweight REST server that can score against trained models
  • scoring-interfaces/ - interfaces the scoring-engine depends on. Other model implementations could be plugged in as long as they implement these interfaces.
  • scoring-models/ - implementations of models the scoring-engine uses.
  • testutils/ - some test utility code that gets reused between tests in different modules

Developer Todo

  • Enable lazy execution and delayed execution. We have a plan where SparkContexts can be re-used and only shutdown when needed.
  • Properly support directed and undirected graphs (get rid of "bi-directional")
  • Data types in graphs/frames needs to be extended greatly
  • Improve Plugins
    • Further separation between framework and plugins (ideally these are even separate projects)
    • Possibly separate plugin from yarn job
    • Dependency Injection
    • Need many more extension points for 3rd parties
    • Meta-programming needs to be expanded to support more kinds of objects
    • Nicer interfaces for plugin authors
  • All plugins should move to plugin modules (a few lingering plugins under engine-core)
  • Add support for Spark's dataframes
  • Replace Slick with something simpler (even straight JDBC would be better, everyone already knows SQL and we aren't getting enough value to justify the learning curve for Slick)
  • Replace Spray DSL with something simpler (the DSL is confusing to use and our REST layer is too thin to make people learn a DSL)
  • testutils should probably merge into engine-core
  • Need Maven profiles to make it easier for developers to build only part of the project
  • Break up CommandExecutor
  • Move args classes out of interfaces next to their associated plugin (possibly get rid of args classes all together)
  • Auto-conversion of return types