
For interacting with nutch via Python

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0



Nutchpy is a Python library for working with Apache Nutch. In particular, the library provides functionality to work with existing Nutch data structures including various readers for the Nutch EcoSystem e.g. readers for Sequence Files, LinkDb, Nodes, etc. A small examples directory exists showing how Nutchpy can be used to interact with some of the above data strutures.


To build nutchpy from source, run the following commands in your terminal:

  git clone https://github.com/ContinuumIO/nutchpy.git
  conda install -c blaze apache-maven
  cd nutchpy; python setup.py install;

Alternatively, you can download nutchpy from binstar with conda:

  conda install -c blaze nutchpy


import nutchpy

node_path = "<FULL-PATH>/data"
seq_reader = nutchpy.sequence_reader

Run Requirements

  • JDK 1.6+
  • python
  • py4j

Build Requirements

  • python
  • apache-maven (conda install -c blaze apache-maven)