
Converting properly formatted excel workbooks and spreadsheets to SWG IFF Datatables

Primary LanguageJavaGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


Python program for converting properly formatted excel workbooks and spreadsheets to SWG IFF Datatables

How to Use

To use, either start the jar via a command line: (for windows): java -jar ExcelSwgDatatable.jar

Or launch start.bat by double clicking on it (Windows only)

The program will accept virtually any type of an excel spreadsheet, all the way up to the latest XLSX format as it uses Apache POI libraries

To generate: convert path_to_my_workbook.xlsx MySheet or convert path_to_my_workbook.xlsx to convert all the sheets to individual .iff's (If running in same folder, full directory not needed for workbook paths)

Formatting is specific: First row must be the name of the columns Second must be the data type for each column (As of this release, only string and integer's are support (s, i)). Use brackets to add in a default value if needed.

Commands: convert -- Convert workbook and/or sheets within workbook help -- display info format -- formatting information for sheets