
Source code for my portfolio site using Kotlin

Primary LanguageKotlin

Netlify Status


This repository contains all the source code for my website. Right now there is no backend, however it'll probably be done using AWS Lambdas & Netlify if it's required at some point for the site.


  • web-app - Frontend user experience for the website. It's a single React app written using pure Kotlin with a React framework using create-react-app and Bootstrap for CSS. Gulp is also used for build assistance (glyphs and sass mostly).
    • Please see the README inside web-app for more detailed information.


  • Netlify is used for continous deployment of the website whenever the master branch is updated. It serves a built web app to lewisjmorgan.com.


  • Kotlin
  • React
  • CSS with Sass & Bootstrap
  • JavaScript
  • HTML
  • Gulp
  • Continous Deployment (Netlify)