
Nothing "Import ant", just a simple library for implementing Neural-Networks(NNs) easily and effectively on any Arduino board and other microcontrollers.

Primary LanguageC++OtherNOASSERTION

Simple MLP - NeuralNetwork Library For Microcontrollers

Nothing "Import ant", just a simple library for implementing Neural-Networks(NNs) easily and effectively on any Arduino board and other microcontrollers.


NN Functions Input Type (x) Output Type (Y) Action
*FeedForward(X) 1D Float Array 1D Float Array "Feeds" the NN with X-input values and returns Y-Output Values, If needed.
*BackProp(x) 1D Float Array 1D Float Array Tells to the NN if the outputs-Y were right/the-expected-X-inputs and then, teaches it.

Examples: Backpropagation_Single_Xor_Gate.ino
Understanding the Basics of a Neural Network:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 .
An Image that Explains some basic things.



Tested On

  • Arduino Uno
  • ATtiny85


* Example Files (.ino) Explenation
1 Backpropagation_double_Xor NeuralNetwork Training of a 3-input-xor circuit and the print of the output(s) of it
2 Backpropagation_Single_Xor_Gate NeuralNetwork Training of a xor gate and the print of the output(s) of it
3 FeedForward_double_Xor print of the outputs of the pre-trained-NN
4 FeedForward_double_Xor_PROGMEM print of the outputs of the pre-trained-NN using weights and biases from ROM

Functions & Variables [...]

NN = NeuralNetwork , LR = Learning Rate

NN Functions Input Type (x),(z) Output Type (Y) Action
*FeedForword(*inputs) 1D Float Array 1D Float Array "Feeds" the NN with X-input values and returns Y-Output Values, If needed.
*FeedForword(*inputs, IS_PROGMEM) 1D Float Array, Boolean 1D Float Array "Feeds" the NN with X-input values and returns Y-Output Values, If needed. [Weights And Biases Saved in ROM]
BackProp(*expected) 1D Float Array 1D Float Array Tells to the NN if the outputs-Y were right/the-expected-X-inputs and then, teaches it.
print(IS__PROGMEM) Boolean String Serial.Prints the weights and biases of NN. If print(true) prints from ROM
NN.Layer[ i ].Sigmoid(&x) Constant Float Float Returns Sigmoid Activation Function's 1/(1+e^(-x)) value
NN -Constructors -Variables -Layer's Variables Type Explenation
NeuralNetwork(*_layer, &NumberOflayers) const unsigned int, Constructor
NeuralNetwork(*_layer, &NumberOflayers, &LRw, &LRb) const unsigned int, ,const float, Constructor
NeuralNetwork(*_layer, *default_Weights, *default_Bias, &NumberOflayers) const unsigned int,float , ,const unsigned int Constructor
NeuralNetwork(*_layer, *default_Weights, *default_Bias, &NumberOflayers,NO_OUTPUTS) const unsigned int,float , ,const unsigned int,bool Constructor NO_OUTPUTS Clears Outputs from RAM
NN.LearningRateOfWeights float -
NN.LearningRateOfBiases float -
NN.layers[ i ] Layer* -
NN.Layer[ i ].bias float* -
NN.Layer[ i ].outputs[ j ] float* -
NN.Layer[ i ].weights[ j ][ l ] float** -
NN.Layer[ i ].preLgamma[ j ] float* -
NN.layers[ i ]._numberOfInputs unsigned int ReadOnly
NN.layers[ i ]._numberOfOutputs unsigned int ReadOnly

Searches Across Internet

| | Intresting |NN.| Neural Network(s) |A.| Arduino etc. |-| Mostly .NET & Other |*| Maybe Intresting?

NNs PROGMEM Define directive Other & "Random"
Playlist Arduino Tutorial A. Initialize Array Values
Playlist Manual Arduino Define A. Inheritance,destructors?
BackPropagation Examples Determining board A. Identifying Arduino type?
Math Chain Rule + Post define extern? A. Create compile error?
Getting Started + Pointers .ino Determining Board A. Measuring Memory Usage
+ BackProp Tutorial + Double Info Understanding #if ? A. External Memory
+ BackProp Tutorial read-only? Random Defined Site? A. ATtiny85 Math Issues?
+ Complete NN chart ! flash to RAM? Loading local libraries? A. Attiny85 External Mem.?
+ MIT Deep RL Info Near Far? A. Splitting Array?
+ MIT Deep Learning Example A. Importing Loads Everything?
- .NET Framework What is PGM_P? NN. Backprop. For Dummies YT
- .NET ! 1,2,3,4,5,6 Passing Array? NN. Convolutional (Math- code)
- C# Implementation, 2 Passing Array? NN. In 4 minutes - Python
- .NET Deep NN Reading? NN. Quick Intro
* Predicting Languages Easy data handling? NN. -
* MIT Recurrent NNs Reading Long? NN. PyConSG 2016
- 2007 .NET Img Recognition Multi-D Array? NN. Simple 9 lines of Py-code
- C# Handwritten Recognition Attiny85 mem? NN. MIT Press book
Youtube Chanel Prob Array use? NN. A Beginner's Guide
+ Recurrent Explained Double or float? NN. MIT courses?
- .NET 1,2,3 NN.Back Propagation
- C# Handwritten Recognition NN. MLP Maths?
+ Python NN From Scratch NN. Math. Notations Into Code
* How Backpropagation! NN. Maths Into Code
linear Regression NN. (TAA),(BDI) Architecture
+ MLP NN. fast.ai ?
+ MLP NN. deeplearning.net
🇬🇷 Νευρωνικά Δίκτυα NN. BackProp Python
🇬🇷 Γενετικός Αλγόριθμος NN. C# Code
- MS NN Classification NN. Implement BackProp Python
- VB ML Q-Learning NN. Java Tut Playlist ?
* handwritten Recognition NN. BackProp for Dummies
* Deep Learning in 6 weeks? NN. Wiki Backprop Math
* Playlist NN. Looking Inside
- SciBasic


Forgive me for my mistakes and maybe poor knowledge in C/C++, but it is also my first time making a "normal" library [...]
I am also sorry for my randomness in some parts of the Searches Across Internet Section.

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I wish love and happiness to Everyone! <3


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