
Max and Python codebases for the paper _Hearing from Within a Sound_

Primary LanguageMax

Hearing from Within a Sound

Max MSP version python version

Max patch and python codebase used for exploring and demonstrating the work described in the AES paper Hearing from Within a Sound: A Series of Techniques for Deconstructing and Spatialising Timbre.

Max Project


Python Resynthesis

Demo video 🎥

Watch the video

cd python


If you're using conda:

conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate aes


pipenv install


You will need to specify a directory of audio files to resynthesise.

pipenv run python resynthesise.py --audio_dir </absolute/path/to/audio/files/>


pipenv install -d
pipenv run test

How to Cite

  title = 	{Hearing from within a Sound: {{A}} Series of Techniques for Deconstructing and Spatialising Timbre},
  booktitle =	{International {{Conference}} on {{Spatial}} and {{Immersive Audio}} ({{AES}})},
  author = 	{Wolstanholme, Lewis and Vahidi, Cyrus and McPherson, Andrew},
  year = 	{2023},
  month = 	aug,
  address = 	{{Huddersfield, UK}},
  copyright = 	{All rights reserved}